Manchester College Upton Lectures. Four Lectures on the Ethical Problem of Modern Europe. [Thursday, November 4th: The Need of Simplification; Friday, November 5th: Education and Labour; Thursday, November 11th: Theology and Economics; Friday, November 12th: The Temporal and Eternal.] I. Why Europe Does Not Matter, 25 pp.; II. A New Approach of the Temporal, 23 pp. November 1926, 48 pp., typescript by L. van der Molen, 14 pp. The second and third lectures, in the papers called “Adult Education–A Contradiction in Terms” and “The Economist’s Answer to Religion,” have not been preserved. In addition, there are 46 pp. of preparational papers, not numbered, of which 40 pp. have been typed by L. van der Molen, 12 pp. Archiv der Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Gesellschaft. Unpublished.Reel 3, Item 183. – 1926