Zum Patmos Datum: Phaenomeno-nomie oder Epiphanio-nomie

[A. Das Gesetz der Wahrnehmbarkeit einer geistigen Erscheinung (Teilhard de Chardin); B. Hölderlin; C. “The Circulation of Thought: From Idea to Common Place.”] 1947. 1 p. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. Unpublished. Not microfilmed. – 1947

Die Wollust, die Syphilis, die Eifersucht.

Drei Terrassen der Liebe durch drei Jahrtausende. 1947 (?). 5 pp. handwritten; typescript by L. van der Molen, 2 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 419. – 1947

William James, Philosoph des modernen amerikanischen Lebens

Eine Rede vor den Mitgliedern von Camp William James bevor sie zur Armee abgingen, an William James’ hundersten Geburtstag, January 11, 1942. 1947. 14 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. {Translation of unpublished item, The Soul of William James (1942), for Prisma (Munich:  Verlag Kurt Desch); it is uncertain whether it appeared in Prisma. Abridged version, “William James,” Thema (1950). = I Am an Impure Thinker (1970),  pp. 20-34. Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 418. – 1947


  (Possibly planned for Politisches Wörterbuch). ca. 1947. 4 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College.  Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 417. – 1947


(Possibly planned for Politisches Wörterbuch). ca. 1947. Two versions of 3 and 4 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College.  Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 416. – 1947

The Next Homer

1. Transition. 1947. 4 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. {Links unpublished item, The Next Homer (1944). The Egyptian Ka and Mythical Man, The Secret of the Temple or Underwriting the Sky, and this item were all meant to be grouped together. A first-draft translation exists in unpublished item, Der nächste Homer (1954).} Unpublished. See Reel 7, Item 385. – 1947

The Metabolism of Science, with the “Carmen Arvale” in translation

1947. 25 pp. Argo Books Archive. {Cf. “A Classic and a Founder,”  Rosenstock-Huessy Papers, Vol. 1 (1981),  Ch. 1, First Part; and unpublished item, The Renaissance of Mind and Body (1945). Basic to Der Atem des Geistes (1951), pp. 167-235 (“Unser Anspruch auf Wissenschaft oder der Rechtstitel der Physik,”) and  Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts, Bd. 2 (1964), pp. 221-275 (“In die Zahlensprache der Physik”).} [1. The Nature of the Physical World; 2. The Laboratory of Mind and Body; 3. Michael Faraday’s Superiority; 4. Invitation to Science; 5. Mars in Rome and World War III, with a laboratory worksheet, excerpts from Faraday’s diaries, the Carmen Arvale in translation.] Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 415. – 1947

The Egyptian Ka and Mythical Man

1947 (originally 1944). 76 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. {A first-draft translation into German appears in unpublished item, Dich ruft dein Stern (1954).} [1. Egyptian in Us; 2. The Egyptian Constitution; 3. The Literature on Ka; 4. Pronoun versus Noun; House versus Tribe; 5. Pharaoh and Taboo; 6. Osiris and Isis; 7. The Homeric World.] Unpublished. Reel 14, Item 613. – 1947

Christ, Moses, Pharao

1947. 28 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. [1. Christ Moses Pharao; 2. Four Steps; 3. The Shattering Experience of Pharao; 4. Stalin.] Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 414. – 1947

Autobiography by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

A Partner on Patmos. The Plan of the Book Survey and Chapter Headings. 1947. 3 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. Unpublished. Reel 8, Item 413. – 1947

“Ascent of Taurus”

by E. F. Little and Prof. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy,  Canadian Alpine Journal 30 (Chicago: 1947): 15-28. Reel 8, Item 409. – 1947