Man Must Teach – 1959

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Lectures, Vol. 21; Roosevelt School, Santa Monica, California, 1959 (Jericho, Vt.: Argo Books, 1994), 20 pp. in transcription, 1 lecture tape on audio cassette.Reel 18, Item 646. – 1959

Historiography – 1959

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Lectures, Vol. 20; University of California at Santa Cruz, February 24 – May 26, 1959 (Jericho, Vt., Argo Books, 1994), 581 pp. in transcription, 13 lectures on audio cassettes. College catalog title: History 198, “Bible and History, The Study of History Using the Bible.”Reel 17, Item 645. – 1959

“Furor Teutonicus oder Furor Classicus?”

Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 10, Heft 3, Zeitschrift des Verbandes der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands (1959): 133-137. {Also in Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts, Bd. 2 (1964), together with “Epilog zu: Furor Teutonicus oder Furor Classicus?” Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (1959),  pp. 357-367.} See Reel 11, Item 526. – 1959

Epilog zu “Furor Teutonicus oder Furor Classicus?”

Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 10, Nr. 7, Zeitschrift des Verbandes der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands (1959): 431-432. {Also in Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts, Bd. 2 (1964), together with “Furor Teutonicus oder Furor Classicus?” Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht  (1959),  pp. 357-367.} Reel 11, Item 526. – 1959


including a mediation entitled “Biblionomics” (Binghamton, N.Y.: Vail Ballou Press, private printing, 1959), 38 pp. {Includes bibliography from Das Geheimnis der Universität (1958).} Reel 11, Item 524. – 1959

“Die Bemannung der Hochschule”

Frankfurter Hefte 14, Heft 1, Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik, ed. Eugen Kogon, with assistance from Walter Dirks (January  1959): 55-66. {= Abridged version of Soziologie, Bd. 2 (1958), pp. 683-709.} Reel 11, Item 525. – 1959

American Social History – 1959

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Lectures, Vol. 19;  University of California at Santa Cruz, February 2 – May 25, 1959 (Jericho, Vt.: Argo Books, 1994), 622 pp. in transcription,  41 lectures on audio cassettes. College catalog title: History 180. Reel 17, Item 644. – 1959


1959 (?). 2 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. Unpublished. Reel 11, Item 533. – 1959