Peace Corps – 1966

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Lectures, Vol. 30; Vershire, Vt., July 13 – 15, 1966 (Jericho, Vt.: Argo Books, 1994): 40 pp. in transcription, 3 lectures on audio cassettes. Reel 18, Item 655. – 1966

“Buch und Funk”

Hundert Jahre Kohlhammer 1866-1966 (W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1966): 252-259. Reel 12, Item 569. – 1966

The Jewish and the Christian Trinity

An expanded translation, with some revisions, of the second part of “Das Volk Gottes in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft (1962):198-220.[II. Die Dreieinigkeit in den beiden Israel.] Intended to be included in Judaism despite Christianity (1969),  but not accepted.) 1966 (ca.). 13 pp. Rauner Library, Dartmouth College. Unpublished.Not microfilmed. – 1966

Lingo of Linguistics – 1966

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Lectures, Vol. 29; Western Washington State College, Bellingham, Washington, April 4 – 6, 1966 (Jericho, Vt.: Argo Books, 1994): 63 pp. in transcription, 3 lectures on audio cassettes. Reel 18, Item 654. – 1966

De onbetaalbare mens

  trans. H. J. de Koster, with introduction by P. Smits (Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 1966),  195 pp. {Translation of Der unbezahlbare Mensch(1955).} Reel 12, Item 568. – 1966