Die Sprache Des Menschengeschlechts
“Language is wiser than he who speaks it,” Rosenstock-Huessy often to used to say to underline the scope of language. Language contains the experiences and inspirations of the ages. The language that people speak and the great historical learning experiences in their cultures have developed in the same process. Language is at the core of Rosenstock-Huessy’s view of social reality.
In this large collection of individual essays from 1916-1964 the author presents his fundamental view on language. The first volume closes with the German original version of Practical Knowledge of the Soul; the second volume closes with a German version of Fruit of Lips. Many of the essays contained in The Origin of Speech were written in English, and then translated into German and thoroughly revised so that they could be included in Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts.
Two volumes, hardcover. Vol. 1, 810 pages; Vol. 2, 904 pages.