Im Kreuz der Wirklichkeit:
Die Soziologie der Räume und Zeiten von Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Richter recounts the way the events of the twentieth century remade European intellectual history, evoking endless attempts by writers across the continent to interpret and to redeem its dreadful events. His book has one such attempt as its focus and its heart: the two-volume Soziologie by the philologist, jurist, historian, and sociologist Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973). The individual volumes carry the titles, The Hegemony of Spaces and The Full Count of the Times, and deal with the different ways our social spaces and our existence in time impact our perception and creation of a common reality. The author examines Rosenstock-Huessy and his sociology by placing them in their time and in their place on its ideological spectrum, summarizing the main arguments made in the two volumes (published in 1925 and 1956-57, respectively) in pursuit of a critical judgment that should make clear Rosenstock-Huessy’s continuing relevance today. In German.
Paperback, 206 pages.