The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Digital Archive: Series and Subseries

The Digital Archive is a collection of some 55,000 page-scans of letters and other documents pertaining to the life and work of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and his wife, Margrit. The Digital Archive contains images of the “unique historical documents” donated to the Rosenstock-Huessy Archive at Dartmouth’s Rauner Library, as well as images of letters from other sources present only in photocopy, which are not available in the Archive at Rauner.
Acting for the Rosenstock-Huessys’ legal heirs, the Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Literary Heirs have decided to waive copyright in all letters, documents, and work, both published and unpublished, by Eugen and Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy. Authors and scholars are free to cite, quote, translate, and publish any and all letters, documents, and work by either Eugen or Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy. The Literary Heirs and the Huessy family request only that this freedom be exercised with fairness and decency.
The work of others, where it is included in works in which copyright has been waived, is unaffected by the Literary Heirs’ decision; permission to cite, quote, translate, and publish that work must still be sought from the current holders of copyright.
Series 1
Correspondence between Eugen and Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy, with other materials
Series 2
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Franz Rosenzweig, with other materials
Series 3
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Carlotta (Lotti) Hüssy
Series 4
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Cynthia (Oudejans-) Harris, with other materials, including “Letters to Cynthia”
Series 5
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Henry C. and Rosalind H. Greene, with other materials
Series 6
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Hans R. and Ellen West (“Lassie”) Huessy, with other materials
Series 7
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and the Rosenstock Family and Connections, with other materials
Series 8
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and the Hüssy Family and Connections, with other materials
Series 9
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and the Rosenzweig Family and Connections, with other materials
Series 10
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and the Greene Family and Connections, with other materials
Series 11
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Publishers and Editors, with Contracts and other materials
Series 12
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Institutions (Colleges, Universities, Govt. Departments)
Series 13
Correspondence between ERH/MRH and Others, A-Z, with other materials
Series 14
Greetings on Major Birthdays, and related materials
Series 15
Condolence Letters, Memorials, and Obituaries
Series 16
Theodor and Paula Rosenstock Correspondence with Others, with other materials
Series 17
Hans R. Huessy Correspondence with Others, with other materials
Series 18
Camp William James/Peace Corps
Series 19
ERH: Autobiographical, Biographical, and Bibliographical Material
Series 20
Various Materials relating to ERH’s Life and Work
Series 21
Poems, Sermons, and Essays
Series 22
Manuscripts and Research Material on Language: Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts
Series 23
Manuscripts and Research Material: Soziologie I and II
Series 24
Other Manuscripts and Research Material
Series 26
MS translations of ERH works
Series 25
Galley Proofs, with and without Corrections
Series 27
Lectures, Lecture Materials and Transcriptions
Series 28
Student Work, and related materials
Series 29
Miscellanea: Flotsam, Jetsam, and Fragments
Series 30
The ERH Photo Collection