{ } = word or expression can't be understood
{word} = hard to understand, might be this
Now I want to divide today into two things. I first want to complete the power of the ruler of the emperor -- -pire, of this head of the priestly caste of Egypt, whom we call the Great House, Pharaoh, and his creation. And then we shall try to make a comparison -- strike a comparison between the tribal achievement and the imperial.
Introductorily, I perhaps should come back to this strange question of our friend Prensner, whe- -- why people -- ceased to be Bedouins and became settlers. Was this advantageous? I got very mad at him, because I still think it's a terrible question, which shows that you are all only naturalists, and do not feel reverence for history. I mean, you can't ask, "Why did my father marry his -- my mother?" Because you have to put up with it. You are the heir. Sir, it wasn't advantageous for them to marry. But thank God that you are here.
But I want to give a more explicit answer, gentlemen. If, as I think it is true and so simple that you will not deny it, man is that animal which must -- can only survive on this earth if he is one through all times and all spaces, if we have all to become able to march as one man from the beginning of time to the end, over this earth, you see--this is a very clear proposition, I think--then every one step that leads to this taking possession of the whole earth, you see--and really possession--is in- -- inescapable the discovery of our true destiny. Those who do not discover this stay behind. You have always the power to reject this offer of God. You can of course become a criminal. You can become an anarchist. You can become a -- a man -- a member of the leisure class. Or you can become many -- you can go soft; you can be a juvenile delinquent; you can take to the -- can become a hillbilly. I mean, many people miss the bus of history. Most, you may even say; they are just dragged along by the institutions. But you cannot ask why the great deeds of mankind, by which we know that we are men, consist in discovering the way -- the conditions under which we can act together as one man. So my further answer then is: that the tribe could never outgrow the number of perhaps 5,000 members; whereas in Egypt, from the very first day--we know it--more than 100,000 people lived together in unity. Perhaps even 2, 3, 400,000. Today there live 22 million people. Already in Roman days, there were 3 or 4 million people, which is -- exceedingly -- large.
And for this reason then, gentlemen, the -- there had to be a -- found a completely new approach for a new mag- -- si- -- order of magnitude. After the tribe had exhausted its degree of intensity and building up continuity of seven generations in time, and 5,000 people at once--this is your measurement of a tribe--seven generations in consciousness, you see --. You know of your great-
grandfather, and you work for your great-grandchild, but beyond this, you forget. And since the tribe has never been larger than 5,000 -- the Five United Nations here in this country, and the Mohawk Trail, their desperate attempt to get bigger, they felt the necessity. They couldn't. They could only unite as nations. They together were perhaps 16- to 18,000 people. But that was all. Because on the tribal, oral tattoo ba- -- basis of immediate dancing, immediate warriori- -- warring, you see, immediate totem poles, you can't go beyond the visible. You can- -- and the audible. The -- the -- you have to have an assembly at which the totem pole can really be seen by all the warriors of the tribe. They have to be in one spot.
The tribe has this natural limitation that you have to be at one time all mobilized, and stand on parade grounds. Our modern parade ground is the last remnant of the tribal order. The whole army can be seen. That's the idea of a parade, you see. The -- the Campus Martius, in Rome; the -- the Champ-de-Mars in -- in Paris. That's -- these are still remnants of this idea that -- Soldiers' Field--where is it? ja--that's still the idea, you see, that the whole male population can be assembled, and receive marching orders, and law, and can celebrate -- May 1st or Labor Day, the processions of labor, I mean, in the -- the demonstrations, you see, of striking workers. All this has still to do with the feeling that the political group can assemble. Now never have the Egyptians been able to assemble. In no empire has ever there been the illusion that all the people could be seen in one spot. It wasn't necessary. The Heaven, you see, was the projection, the mirror, the focus by which this was made superfluous. So such a step in a new dimension, you cannot discuss. You cannot discuss why Copernicus discovered that the earth turns around the sun, because it was true. You cannot ask why is a truth discovered? Man is out for the truth, except the students at Dartmouth.
They are -- we are bound to follow the truth. -- It's an order that's given us, isn't that true? Now if man has to become one, and this is his whole life on this earth, to be more one, and more one all the time, then he cannot evade the issue. If there is this -- this one chance in a million, that one genius in the human race said, "Let's build houses. Let's not roam. Pay the penalty, pay the price."
Now I come therefore to the rule of Horus once more, because the whole of Horus makes out of minus, plus; makes out of that part of the bush into which people could not run, because of the dangers of the flood and the drought, you see, makes paradox. And you can also say that exten- -- instead of the extensive living of the tribal hunters, and shepherds, and -- and collector -- gatherer -- food gatherers, Egypt is the first example of an intensive civilization, of taking seriously one part of the earth and showing what you can do of it -- with it. This had never been done before. Roaming tribes can do something with
the soil, but only { } once, but they must always be { } and be made ready to leave. Now if you are constantly mobilized, you understand that you will only have huts, and you will only have tents, and you will never build a house. Never attempt fate.
All this wa- -- had to be discovered, and the way in which it was discovered, my dear Prensner--is it now a little more understandable, what I'm trying to say?--was inescapable, once it was discovered. Just as after you discover the telephone, everybody wants to use it. But you can never predict that the telephone will be invented. No, nothing doing. Somebody has -- does invent it. You couldn't predict in 1800, the invention of the telephone. And yet, when it was there, it is -- you cannot ask, "Is it advantageous?"
It is very exciting, the history of mankind. But it is not exciting because of man's arbitrariness; it is because of the inescapable necessity which is {written into it}, you see. You cannot turn the clock back. Great people are those who in- -- discover the next best step in the human race.
You have no peace of mind if you remain away from your next step. Just as you become all through -- neurotics if you try to remain 12 years old. That's just what it is. What is neurosis? A delayed -- a delayed { }.
Now Horus, gentlemen, is the priest-emperor of Egypt. We have not quite a word that expresses the unity of pope and -- and Caesar. The pharaoh of Egypt is not emperor in our -- your sense of the word. And it is not a pope in your sense of the word, because he is both. And the pope today wears -- in the Vatican, the three-{toothed} crown of the pharaoh, the { } of the { } crown of the pharaoh of Egypt. And the crown makes him into an astral power, because the crown are the rays of the sun. Quite important for you to understand that the crown -- coronation is an act of -- of astralization, of making a man a part of the firmament.
What is not known, which -- of which I'm quite boastful, because I have discovered it at great -- at great labor, { } is the fact that Horus is a star which is lacking in the firmament of Heaven as much as on earth. Horus is the one addition of the empire to the stars in Heaven. This may sound ridiculous to you, and this is the point I wish to prove first.
All our descriptions of antiquity go astray, because they do not understand why people on earth should have needed a crowned agent representing Heaven on earth. { } Abuser, tyrant, despotism, terrible consequences; you get weaklings on the throne; you get Neros, and -- and { }, and so on. If you don't understand it, you will never understand why the -- why the Incas ruled, or why
the Mexicans adored their Montezuma. Now I think that's a very pertinent question. These people were just as intelligent as you -- intelligent as you and I. They were not at all backward. But the system of the empire, gentlemen, at the time it was constituted, was the next step in taking possession of the universe. And for this purpose, man became God.
Now in the family of gods in the sky, gentlemen, the sun, and the moon, and the stars were the natural -- again, the natural members of the divine family. There was one member that was the human. That was the emperor. All the kings in Rome are -- still are called "Sons of Zeus," because these sons of Zeus had one wonderful capacity which Zeus was lacking. What is the capacity in the sky, gentlemen, which no star has? How does -- do the stars move? Can you describe to me the heavenly movements? In which direction do they move? How does the sun move? And touching in the process -- which other { } -- which other part of the globe? It doesn't go straight from east to west, doesn't it? Over { }? Where does it move? Where is it at noon? Ja, well, a little bit to the South.
At midnight, these peop- -- the first people didn't know where the sun was. They had all kind of strange ideas. They had, for example, the idea that there was a big mountain in the North, behind which the sun was passing, but one couldn't see it. That's -- has given rise in all antiquity to the story of the { }, the people who lived beyond -- that mountain. So when the sun -- midnight, you see, was dark, you couldn't see, it was because of the high alps. It was because of the high mountains in the North and the -- dropped it off. There were many such speculations, because what the sun did at midnight, one didn't know.
From this it would appear -- { } one-half of the moon { }. Exactly. Then we have stars in the northern sky, who never leave the northern sky. They were called in Egypt, the stars that do not set, imperishable stars. That's the Northern Star, the Arcturus, the -- Child's Wain, and the Little and the -- and the--how do you say, Great Wain? Great Dipper, it is. From this they gathered that the sky did not offer a perfect harmony, because instead of having a perfect rotation, and a perfect circle, there was a gap between north, south, and west on the one-hand side, and the north on the other.
Now if you look at the -- remember -- it's -- very easy for you, I hope. Even you have in mind the map of Egypt. There's one straight stroke going from south to north. You can see that the Nile, very differently from the heavens, does flow and move from south to north. So the only important feature of the whole country of Egypt from the -- bottom line does exactly that which the stars in Heaven won't do.
I also told you that on earth, there were 36 districts in space, laid out as temple districts, from which at the same -- on the same day all the seed, and all the harvesting, and all the flowers, you see, could be ordered and performed by the priest. On the other hand, I told you that in the sky, the movements of always one constellation above the horizon gave rise to the division of the skies through 36 times 10 days of {movement} in the sky.
These contradictions are the bottom -- the basis for the authority of that man who would reconcile the { }. He would enable in the sky to move from south no- -- to north, and who would enable on earth the people in the 36 temples to realize that they were under one government.
Anybody who has read who -- Scott -- Kenilsworth -- who has heard -- Kenilworth by Scott? Is it still read? Very good. { }. So, Walter Scott nobody reads. { }. Really nobody has read Scott? { }. But not Ivanhoe -- Kenilworth? Well, that's the story of -- Queen Elizabeth going to Kenilworth { } Shakespeare.
And the main point I want to make in this connection is only that it is called the Queen's Progress. It means progress through her land. Now this word of the King's or the Queen's Progress--who has heard this expression?--it wa- -- is quite important, { } the history of the reign of Elizabeth. She made her progress { } country, because it was the duty of any ruler to go places, and to stake out the boundaries of the country by visiting the most remote corners at least once in her reign. It was one -- a point of grievances against James I, and his son Charles I in England, that they didn't return to Cos- -- Scotland, and never visited, never progressed again the through the ring -- realm.
Well, gentlemen, the Queen's or the King's Progress, the word "progress," you see, has a solemn wording of the original meaning of "progress." You have the heritage from Horus. Horus had to travel in order to take possession -- possession of the -- of the land of Egypt, and the unity from the First Cataract to the mouth of the Nile, every {two} years. And the government of Egypt was called "the government of the followers of Horus," the -- the companions, the boon companions, you may say, of that feudal group who accompanied him on this progress, from south to north. All the rest are {settlers}. But his staff, his military power, even you may say, his entourage, and he--Horus and his followers--are the rules of Egypt, because they connect { } outlying districts { }. I give you two examples of the importance of these actions, of { }, that this meant that these people, a thousand miles apart, knew that they were under one government.
{ }. { }, king's barge, sitting there as Horus, and flying over the river
of the Nile, as though he was a falcon. The symbol of the king is that he moves on the Nile River as fast as a bird in the sky. So he is a heavenly power on earth. {I have to quote this, first}. He is a heavenly power on earth, and is called Horus the Falcon. Innumerable forms of the { } god is appear in Egypt, { } Horus and so I -- I have had to go with this one name, and then it is Horus, the FalconGod, who, with wonderful carvings of this royal barge, where a tremendous wood monument is seated, into which the king, so to speak, had to climb, to be the falcon visibly to all the people who -- whom he passed by.
A very late story. In 1872, to supplement this -- this royal barge with the Horus falcon on the Nile River --. The whole {movement} is a very beautiful thing and you may have read that -- that a few years ago, they unearthed one of these barges around the Great Pyramid. { } great mystery over this discovery, it was. { } the Egyptians had to find something after the French, and Italians, and the German explorers, and the Americans had all been driven out. So they decided to make a big splash: have a new pyramid and a new tomb discovered, and a new barge { }. And we still don't quite know what they really discovered, whether it was just an action very { } to Mr. Nasser. We happen to know the man who did this undigging. And he's very much a type like this Nasser. Dry drunkenness, without alcohol.
Now in 1872, 19 pharaonic mummies were discovered in Thebes, in Egypt, and the government sent down a -- a steamboat, very new at that time, down the river -- up the Nile River, to get it down to Cairo. And there was a tremendous resistance by the people local- -- locally. Their mummies, their -- sanctified, their -- their burial grounds, so to speak, that they should be taken up and brought to the capital of Egypt, Cairo, into the museum, where they now are. And what is so impressive in the description of the German scholar who -- who did this for the government, Mr. Heinrich {Brockes}. This man {Brockes} says that while the steamboat was passing along all these winding curves of the river, the local people in the various villages and districts were moaning and wailing, as though they were burying their dead, losing their sacred corpse, so to speak, to this central government, which was irresistible, because it was the only power that had a steamboat on the river. And they were locally fixed. They were peasants. They are peasants. They can't move. You must see this tremendous contrast between a fixed, immobile -- people, population, that they live in such distances that they never see each other, and this one central power that had the navy. It's the first -- the first effect of steam power. { } been told that { } sea-power was { } land. The sea-power of the Egyptian king made him differ from the people who couldn't budge, who couldn't move. He could budge in flood time, in any time, because the Nile is navigable, of course, through the whole year.
The Nile has this wonder- -- a very wonderful quality, that downward
you can go with the flood, with the -- with the slope of the water. And up it, there is always a wind from the north. So that you can always set sail and glide up the -- without -- without oa- -- using your -- you see, your oar. You can be -- you can sail upward, because of this mys- -- mysterious northern wind, you see. Or you can float down. So downward you go without sail -- with the flood, and upward you go with the sail, you see, through the wind. A mysterious gift -- a second gift, so to speak, of the river Nile, you would admit.
So Horus the Falcon is on earth as a bird in the heavens. But now he's also in Heaven the one thing which the stars themselves cannot be. He's the motor power who carries the sun down with the river, over a -- thousand miles.
[tape interruption]
The so-called wain -- wheel of the railroads. If you go to White River, there is -- in s- -- even today in the waiting room of the -- this wonderful institution called the Boston and Maine Railroad, there is a picture of a -- of an old locomotive, and there is a symbol underneath, I think it is, of the two wings that carry the -- the -- the wheel, the iron wheel. You remember? It's a symbol which you see quite often. Well, this is an imitation. It was invented for the rai- -- peri- -- epoch of the railroads. This winged disk -- wheel of the railroad is an imitation of the so-called winged disk of the sun. And the winged disk of the sun has long been misinterpreted as though it was a disk of the sun having wings. Which is perfectly absurd. The sun just has no wings.
But if you think that Horus made this progress through his kingdom, then you will understand why all our oldest texts that has now been found out by the greatest English Egyptologist of our day, {Allen} Gardner, why originally this symbol is the wings of the falcon, of Horus, carrying the sun from north -- south -- nor- -- south to north and convincing people everywhere that it is one and the same sun, you see, marching on. You sing of "John Brown's Body," "And his soul is marching on." The Egyptians would sing, "And the sun is marching on." It is one and the same sun; here, Horus proves it to us. He has the same star map, the same geodetic survey of the sky for all -- all of us.
So, naive, you may say, but also so grandiose is the conception, gentlemen, which Horus represents. Horus represents the conception, the first conception of the land, of a country, of a territory. For you people, perhaps the best word is "territory," to make clear to yourself that it is the first time that arbitrary districts on this -- earth are seen as forming a natural unity of Manifest Destiny. You will not doubt that from California to New York, it's a -- one country. But don't you understand that this has to be created one day? That it isn't one country at all? It's innumerable countries, is it not? And it has been innumerable
countries. At the time of the Louisiana Purchase, nobody ever thought that any of the land beyond the Mississippi had anything to do with the land this side of it. For you, it's all natural, gentlemen. Now I give you one good advice. Whenever somebody tells you that something is natural, watch out. You may be sure that it is purely historical. Nothing that you call "natural" ever is natural. Be sure of that. Everything that is natural is usually 150 years old, and was done by human sweat, blood, and tears. It's a very great help for you. You would also understand religion a little better if you would know that your word of -- the use of the word "natural" is just funny.
For example, I have tried to tell you that to go around without tattoo is unnatural, you see. That's a conquest. Everybody today in the primitive world goes around ta- -- with a tattoo. Go to -- Guyana, go to South America. All people who -- who are people are tattooed. You are not tattooed. You think that's natural, you see. You are quite mistaken. It's perfectly unnatural. It's anti-natural. It's an historical event by which you were freed from this terrible, you see, circumcision, incision, all the cruelties of initiation. We don't -- we don't mistreat you to make you a member of the society, you see, because you don't have to remember the dead. But the -- in the ancient tribe, you had to be made to wail as though it was the first funeral, so they could have enough blades run into your skin, to make you remember the event, that the great hero is dead, and that you have to take over the spirit.
It's only an example for the fact, gentlemen, that anything that's worth, in your own existence, has never come about by nature. Everything is bought at a very high price. You are the most unnatural people, because you boast that you are so natural. Because you owe everything to the sacrifices of your ancestors, and you deny it. Never seen such ungrateful people. And you say you have this all by natural. Not a thing you have by nature. No rights exist by nature. Every right exists only within a group that grants it to you. And that has to be said. It has to be stated. It has to be fixed. It has to be monumentalized.
Now, that all Egyptians live in one country--to come back to my starting point, gentlemen--had to be certified. And that is the power of Horus, that he forces the heaven in the south, and the Heaven in the north together. Ever since this was done for the first time, gentlemen, 2,7- -- -800 -- 2,800 years before Christ, an emperor in this world had to move south, east, west, and north.
The last emperor of whom I know that he performed the rite, was the last emperor of Austria, Charles VI, or the I, as he was called, the heir to the throne of Francis Joseph of Austria, in 1916. When he was crowned in Budapest, as the -- as successor of Charlemagne, with the name K rolyi, which is the Hungarian name for -- for the Carolingian succession of empire-builders, he had to stand there in
church, with a naked sword over his head, and had to strike out to the north, to the south, to the east, and to the west: what no star can do. When Cortez landed in Mexico, the great blessing that was said by Montezuma was--the -- the coronation oath which he had to take was that he would move freely--east, west, south, and north--and thereby assure the good crops of the country.
It has always been overlooked, gentlemen, that to say this is very unnatural. It is only interesting with regard to the sky, because in the sky, nothing moves south and north. Only if you understand this can you understand why the Horus of -- the falcon of Egypt, the pharaoh, wore -- wears the double crown. He is more than the sun, and more than the moon. As he unites the north and the south, so he unites the country of the -- of the north and the country of the south on earth. Or as they would call it, he was the lion of -- midnight, and the mi- -- lion of noon. The lion of Judah, as you know, is a -- is a reflection on this cosmic title of the pharaoh, that he was able to shine at midnight as well as in daytime -- at -- at midday.
This is the obsession of the Egyptians. They have one great reconciler between Heaven and earth. As he is the falcon on earth, gentlemen, so he is the bull in the sky, the one who can carry unity into this -- portals of the sky and force it to be one Heaven. He can win out against the resisting North. No other star can conquer the North. The North, gentlemen, is shown in our planetariums, and in our old -- I mean, horoscopes as the power of Set, the power of the twin brother of Horus. You ha- -- may have heard these two names, Horus and Set--they are mentioned very often in our stories--they are these strange brothers who alternate. Everywhere in the world, you find these do- -- twin gods. You find the god Janus in Rome, you see. You know what a janitor is. He's also this unpleasant man who's just as much awake at night as in daytime for your -- for your contraventions. And "janitor" comes from Janus, from the -- the man who -- the -- who is awa- -- who has two entrances. Everything twin.
Well, that's a -- a very great obsession of all the old people, to be -- have a power who unifies night and day, North and South, sun and moon. That would be the universal god; that would be the -- the cosmic power.
Horus and Set then are these en- -- inimical brothers, or twins, where Horus always must march against Set and his imperishable stars in the North, the Great Dipper, you see, run on against them, conquer them, then -- of course, the thing has to be repeated, it is never over. Because unfortunately, it has to be a dynamic process. By itself, Heaven dissolves again into its fragments. That is why Horus, as a dynamic entity, or force, is constantly on the move. He is government. He is -- the word "government" comes still to this day, gentlemen, from the power of the man to go down on his boat. "To govern" comes from having
the rudder on the ship. And so the ship of state, gentlemen, is a very genuine idea of the Egyptians, you see. They govern with the help of their ship of state.
If the two heavens, North and South, could be united, gentlemen, you have the center of the universe, because since they were two halves of the -- of the -- like two halves of a -- of an egg, or of a -- an apple, cut apart, the victory of Horus over the hostile powers in Heaven and on earth, the resisters--Set, the embodiment of this gravity, so to speak, by which the -- the North resisted the union--the victory had to be celebrated by leading to the residence of this mighty ruler. And I already told you that at the end of the first Great Year in Egypt, TelEl-Amarna was fixed at the center of the whole of Egypt. The first capital of Egypt was much more primitive, gentlemen. It was not -- in the beginning, you can imagine, it was quite impossible to -- have a geodetic survey of 1100 miles of winding, swampy, river valley. What they did was to divide Egypt into the two parts of the delta, where the land is wide -- because there are three big branches of the Nile branching out between the desert mountains, and the upper part, with the narrow pipe, the narrow hose, so to speak, lea- -- leading down from the First Cataract.
Now Memphis -- Memphis, M-e-m-p-h-i-s, is that center residence from where you can see in both directions. And the act, gentlemen, of residing, the act of taking possession, the act of enthronization, the act of coronation -- however -- all these expressions are very vital, because we all have inherited them. You use them daily, you see, when you say, "I sit down," "I am -- have settled," and "I own a house." All these -- the whole vocabulary of civilization comes from this tradition of the -- of the Horus taking possession of a territory unified by this victory over the parts of Heaven. Well, in Memphis, gentlemen, takes place for the next 4,000 years, ever since it was founded, to the last sultan of Turkey, the great event of the union of the lands.
People have spilled very much ink over this formula which is written very beautifully. Under the throne of a pharaoh, who has been enthroned, there is usually a symbol, the so-called "sema," our -- our vowels in Egyptian spelling are all probably wrong, because we don't know them. We only have the consonants. So we say "sema," but we don't know how it was pronounced. That means "union of the lands." The sign for it is a very beautiful sign, gentlemen. The two lungs -- the two lobes of the lungs lead up to a larynx, and this wide land, this wide territory has now one voice. Out of the mouth of Pharaoh now comes the determining speech. There is one law, one rule, one articulated voice set into the middle of the land. That's why this residence is so important, gentlemen. It's the place where the voice appears, the one voice with which this country can be ruled. Very poetical, very legal, very religious.
You see, the same problem arises: every word in Egypt still has this power that it is liturgical, gentlemen. And I told you about the tribe, that it was at the same time religious, poetical, and legal. Now you may go perhaps one step further and learn, gentlemen, that the word "liturgy," of which you have only dimly recollections from your few visits to church, is the unity of such a language. In the liturgy, we perform ourself, the divine order on earth. And the living Horus who took possession of the throne, where he faces back, south; and forward, north; where he looks in both directions, is the great le- -- liturgist, the great leiturgos of the ancient Egyptian--how should I call it? empire-church, or church-empire. The ancient -- ja?
({ }.)
Terrible. Ja. Five minutes. Get going.
[tape interruption] story, I must go on.
I first want to say what a myth is -- can be studied very clearly in the Egyptian liturgy. You use the word "myth" and "mythical" so freely that I'm very anxious for -- that you may learn that this is a very definable thing, a myth: m-yt-h. It is of course the spirit of the time, or of the space, the limb of -- in which we are -- to which we are confined. You live in the myth of 1957. And since 1957 is very benighted, you are deeply sunk into the myth of being at the top of civilization, or being the last man, or whatever you think you are. You see, that's a myth. The spir- -- in the 19th century, it was called the spirit of the times. We have now discovered that it is a very dangerous subject matter, so we call it "myth." Now the Egyptians had a local myth, because the empires were strangulated by the narrowness of their territory. It wasn't -- didn't coincide with the whole universe.
To give you an -- I think, an example of myth which you may brandish, whenever your girlfriend asks you, and which is, I think, very good for you to have as a weapon of understanding in this absolutely ridiculous discussion about myth, which I, for example, had with Mr. {Sines} the other day at lunch, where I saw that he just thinks myth is everything that is interesting today. That's what it amounts to. "Myth is what I do not understand, but would like to know," which is very dangerous, my dear man.
Myth is something very specific. The Horus of Egypt went every two years with his entourage on this great, royal barge down the river. It must have taken him six weeks. We have -- tremendous inscriptions describing his progress.
In every one district, he had to kill one crocodile as a symbol of his victory over the obstacles, you see -- on the river. And then he had to hunt down some wild boar in the thicket to show that his irrigation ditches would now overcome the wild animals in the -- in the -- on the sidelines. And on it went. This very dramatic progress of the Horus depicted there of course could only be dramatized by going down the river. Then the union of the lands was col- -- was done, and then he could reside the last -- rest of the one year and -- and three-quarters, in his wonderful residence in Memphis, or wherever he'd choose to reside. And at the union of the two lands, this big throne was established. And there he looked, north and south, and enjoyed the results of his effort.
After two years, however, he had to start again, at the First Cataract. And of course, the whole royal achievement was going sou- -- south to north. And there was no wit in going north -- up the river, also in a great procession. So they had a great myth--the priests would tell in all the 36 temples to the faithful--about the way the eye of Horus could return from the mouth of the river during this one year-and-a-half secretly at night. And they said that at the mouth of the river, out in the Mediterranean where nobody saw, there was a boat waiting them -- for them -- for -- for Horus in the sky. It would take him across Suez, and the Red Sea, and through the Ethiopian mountains. And then at the right moment, he would appear again at the First Cataract.
This is -- we have elaborate texts on this. And I only mention -- mean -- mean to show you that that which cannot be liturgically enacted is given over to a myth. The myth is a supplementary story which shows that other half, behind stage, backstage problems, you see. You know the story of -- of -- on the stage is the same. How do you get out a man -- a man out and in again, you see? -- Several comedies have been written about this problem, how a producer makes a man move from one place quickly to another where he suddenly then has to appear. You have to make a speech, how he got there, the messenger, you see, who suddenly brings the news, how Jocasta, you see, got married -- was married to the famous Oedipus Complex gentleman.
And the myth must always supplement that which cannot be en- -- enacted. That's the story that rounds out the myth so that it becomes a universal, a cosmic story. The -- the limitations of the Egyptian enactment is that the -- the country wouldn't have stood two processions, one up and one down the river. The great surprise was the {conquest} with the flood -- with the rising flood in July, August, and September, you see, when the flood of the Nile carried this royal barge and made it necessary for him to assert his regime, you see, that this one flood created one land. Now in the dry season, to go up slowly there, with the wind, would have been very unroyal, and very dismaying, you see. An anticlimax, as we would call it. In order not to have this anticlimax, he did -- the
myth was invented.
I have always been -- to give you -- to show you how -- how down to earth this problem of the myth is, how inescapable, I want to compare it to the complete absence of any myth in the -- religious services of the Jews and the Christians. After every holy Mass, the priest cleans the cup. I think that's one of the greatest acts of the whole Mass. You think it's a technicality. It is the one move against myth. Yes, the cup is not holy by itself. It's just an earthen vessel, it's just a -- a -- something monumentally this side, earthly. It has to be consecrated into something more meaningful, if you are willing to be the body of Christ during the Mass. The body of the faithful who form one man. The problem of all religion is this: that we form one man, my dear Prensner, from all times. Whether it's the totem, or whether it's the Holy Communion, or whether it's Holy Mass. Are we all one body, or are we not? We are not by nature. And we are not, if this golden cup would be brought in by some servant, and it would be left to some mythical proceedings of preparing the golden and -- glitter every day again, you see, and -- .
No, the humility of Christianity is that the whole process is shown: the kitchen process, you see, the dishwashing process, is shown. And if you do not realize that in this dishwashing, the same humility shows as in the whole walk of { } on this earth, you haven't understood Christianity. Because it means that we do not take exception in any of the necessary, earthly acts of our existence, you see. We do not pretend that our savior flew like falcon through the sky. He walked the earth, as any one of us. The Egyptians, the poor people, in order to create a territory, they had to create this myth, that falcon, Horus, was flying through the air, or on the river like a -- like a falcon. Therefore, {the myth came}, and we do not see how he returns from the south of the river, you see, backstage. We have in Christianity an open stage. There is no backstage in Christianity. Everything is above board. Dirt, death is above board. The stinking -- the stinking corpse, everything. Sweat, toil, and tears.
The mythical story is that certain things are too disagreeable to be mentioned, too bothersome, too laborious, and so we have some backstage secrets. And when the curtain rises, just the coronation is on, and we don't know how it all happened, how they all got there. That's by and large the same as with a coronation, where all the preparations are also not shown, in Life, Time, and Fortune { }. But the coronation itself is -- goes over on television, you see. You only see it from beginning to end, but you do not see the debris, you see, and everything that went before. This is myth, gentlemen.
Myth supplements liturgy in as far as the liturgy is locally and temporarily partial. And -- our -- you must understand, this is vital for your survival in these
next decades, gentlemen. You must set your mind adamantly against this confusion that anybody dares to call Judaism or Christianity "mythical." I hear this everywhere in this country by the enemies of all two faiths. It is just common -- everybody in Dartmouth takes the liberty of calling part of our religion "myth." It's a fight against myth. And my example is a very clear example of something mythical, and the washing of the cup in the sight of the faithful is a reminder that there is no difference between living room and kitchen, and that the backstage doesn't exist in the revel- -- revealed truth of our mortality.
Man doesn't only live; he also dies. Man doesn't only eat; he also shits. That's the true story. And most of you only want to -- want to live with one-half of your existence, with a nice half, with the advantageous half, with the pleasant one. You are all pleasure-seekers. Suffering, death, sickness mustn't -- old age -- all these things mustn't exist. You all live mythical, gentlemen. That's why with -- at this moment -- you see, in the 19th century, people had to fight against the spirit of the times and say that there were eternal things. Today I have to fight to make you see that you live in a mythical state -- totally mythical, because you never ask yourself what it costs to abolish now your -- your -- you become all Egyptians, and to be the slaves of big corporations.
You are all Egyptians. You all live for the standard of living. I told you, that's the fleshpots of Egypt. Now you can do it, if you know what you're doing. But you must know what it costs to become an Egyptian.
And -- to elect your president only on the -- proposition that he is the pharaoh of Egypt, who looks out for prosperity. Gentlemen, that's something totally new. George Washington wasn't made president of the United States for prosperity. That was your private business to be prosperous. Today you elect a president in order that you have higher wages. That's Pharaoh of Egypt. That's a mythical existence which you lead. Because the real background of the discipline of this country is of course its -- its power to defend itself, and to make sacrifices by its citizens and make good will all over the world. It cannot be done by Washington, and by a passport bureau.
I mean, one man of these journalists who went to China is more important as an American than 10,000 people who tour Europe in a summer. Isn't that obvious? Yet you think the -- they say us -- to us in Washington the 10,000 people who go to -- to -- to -- Europe are the law-abiding citizens. But when the four journalists who went to Peking -- Peiping, they are the law-making journalists. They are the men who still carry America. But we have this myth today that if you live in this rotation of crops and in this rotation of seasons, and this rotation of -- between vacation and -- and the curriculum, you do your duty. You don't do your duty. You dream. You live in a myth.
Well, I don't want to hear -- say all -- any of these things. But I'm forced to say this, because today the -- the one great lure with which they lure you is: that -- people tell you everything is myth. You see, in the 19th century, even a man like Mr. Reinhold Niebuhr--who was very rueful about this now--called Christianity an ideology. He said that it became nothing better than Communism. Now they call Christianity a myth. It's very refined, this way of abolishing our only salvation of getting out of this myth.
So I warn you, gentlemen: the myth is a -- the supplement of a liturgy. And any partial empire or tribe has to have a liturgy which pretends to be more universal than it can be. This travel of the -- of the Horus through the Red Sea includes territories which were no part of Egypt, which were outside the sovereignty of the pharaoh of Egypt. So he became, you see--and that, every empire has done--he laid claim to a larger part of the sphere of the world than he had a right to do. Any myth claims more power to a partial or a local order, you see, than it has a right to claim.
It's the same with your fashion, gentlemen. Television is a fashion, or the -- the hundred -- $64,000 Question. Who will speak about the $64,000 Question in 20 years? But you don't believe it. You think it's -- it has to be spoken about it. And this poor man, van Doren, loses his mind over it. Well, there you are, gentlemen. That's the spirit of the time. That's your myth. You have a time-myth. Twenty years from now, you'll have another time-myth. That is, you will be crazy by the craze. You will be ridden by something -- everybody has to say, or to think, or to debate. And five years later, everybody will scratch his head and said, "Why -- was I ever interested in the whole thing in the first place? It's perfectly superfluous."
You live from these crazes, don't you? You live by these -- temporal myths. And the difficulty for you to know this is only that in Egypt, in the empires, the myth was locally grown, by a certain geographical unit separated from the rest of the world. But gentlemen, you are separated from me--and my ancestors, and your ancestors--by a wider wall than the Egyptians were geographically by the walls of their desert. You live in a temporal myth, and you are totally sunk into it. Your Nile is -- the wavelength on which your -- you listen to the nonsense that goes over the air.
The word "myth" has -- today to mean therefore -- I don't know what to say, I mean, ex- -- not "exposed," but understood, lived through. You must be totally aware that we all live by myth. Fashion is a myth, you see, the necessity of wearing -- that we should wear different dress from the women. There have been times where people -- men and women wore the same dress, you see. It's not very important to look through this myth, but we have to learn what is
temporal, what is passing, and what is purely local, and what is permanent, and what is everywhere.
The empire is the genuine effect -- ef- -- effort to make every one part of the globe where such an empire exists a mirror of the whole sky. And the tragedy of any empire then is that it always is bigger in its claims of -- of celestial order than it can practically on earth perform. You have no empire where -- except {Charles V}, when the sun never sets. Yet any empire claims that Horus was the power that rules day and night, in a sense, that -- that he held an empire where the sun never set, that coincided with the whole globe. Pharaoh and all later emperors, gentlemen, had a title which expressed this very clearly. It was the term "{cosmokrator}," in Greek. The ruler of the cosmos, or the created universe. The emperor of China therefore was called the Son of Heaven. Of the whole Heaven, of course, you see, although only in China. That's why -- the Chinese is not interested in anything outside China? For the -- 3,000 years, they were. This was the only country in which there was { } celestial order. All the rest was bunk. An Egyptian to this day looks down on the Bedouins, or on the -- on us foreigners, because his country is -- is right.
So gentlemen, central government, and the feeling that you are in the middle of the universe, is a condition of empire-builders. And the pyramids then, around Memphis, stand in the center of Egypt. And every one pyramid is an attempt, gentlemen, to point out to Heaven that this ruler is centered at that place where he can rule the globe, where he can perform up and down the river, and where he can perform up and down the sky.
What is a pyramid, gentlemen? A pyramid is an oriented building, as you know, which the living pharaoh starts to build when he begins to rule, and -- on which -- on the top of which the sun and Sirius, the brightest star of the night, meet on July 19th. Every pyramid has to be measured in that way. That at the high point, the brightest star of the night, and the sun--the only star at -- at the daytime--meet. Because that means that Horus is the architect, the engineer of Heaven, who has joined mid- -- midday and midnight, North and South. For the Egyptians, gentlemen, night and day, and South and North are perfectly identical notions. Just as the -- I {told} you about Horus and Set: Horus the unifier, and Set the destroyer of unity. We think of -- no longer in terms of the line of -- of midnight. But we still can say it. You understand that midnight is North. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden was called the -- the Savior from Midnight, because he came out of Sweden into Europe, for the Protestants, to save them.
I must point out this to you, that the -- the language of the whole tradition of the empire-builders, still in the Revelation, by the way, of -- of St. John, in the eternal Jerusalem--that's the last empire projected into the sky, and dissolving all
empires on earth, you see--that all these have this -- lay this heavy stress at the perfect harmony between day and night. In -- St. John's revelation, if I remember rightly, there is no night. It's day all the time. Day and night, unified. Also, there is no temple any longer in the celestial Jerusalem, at the end of Revelation. Because it is an anti-Egyptian writing. Egypt has to be superseded. It's the great victory of the New Testament over the Egyptian darkness, the Egyptian superstition, the Egyptian priests and castes.
So the pyramid stands near Gizeh. Who has been in Egypt? Anybody has? The -- and that's -- there are 40 pyramids next to this centerpiece of Egypt, built in the third millennium before our era. We know of 40 still. That's a tremendous achievement.
But then comes now the point I wish to make, which you nowhere find in the books again. It's very strange. I always feel the interesting facts never are mentioned. No son of any pharaoh has ever continued any -- incomplete pyramid. It's the man's business to immortalize himself. You see again the -- the complete contradiction to the graves of the ancestors in the tribe. It's the man -- the living pharaoh's own business to immortalize his regime. If he dies before the pyramid is finished, it remains unfinished, because his son is the living Horus.
The present, gentlemen, eclipses the past, as it -- has no future. It is rotating. It is revolving. The stars are revolving. The living pharaoh, gentlemen, does not--like any heir in a tribe--have the duty, you see, to sacrifice his -- his time, and his money, and his workmanship for the pyramid of his father. I think that's most significant. You read in all your anthropological nonsense books--they are really nonsensical, because these people have no experience of life themselves, these anthropologists. They never ask themselves, "What's the minimum for the cohesion of any human society?" The minimum is that the dead are kept alive with their meaningful life to the living, that Heaven speaks to earth, and as we shall see, that the future is kept open. The anthropologist thinks anything goes; you can have any nonsense of an order, and it's still -- be called an "order." That's not true.
The pyramid, therefore, gentlemen, is a great break with the tribal tradition. In a -- in a tribe, no living chieftain gives a damn for his funeral in his own day, you see. The heir, the next generation, has to sacrifice everything to the dead man. His wife, his horses, his arrows. Everything is put, as you know, into the grave with him. His -- his -- his helmet, and so on. Very different with the -- with the Egyptian pharaohs. But this difference is never me- -- mentioned, that a pyramid is something sociologically, or legally, you see, religiously totally different from a chieftain's mound, or a -- a -- a grave of a -- of a hero in a tribe. It is. Because the man himself, as soon as he is crowned emperor, feverishly begins to
build his pyramid. And the longer he reigns, the bigger his pyramid. That's the whole story. The -- the big pyramid took 30 years. Now very few people have the privilege of -- of governing 30 years, you know. We have one pharaoh who lived even 60 years, but he was a little child when he began to govern, and probably the building of the pyramid started a little later. That was -- his name was {Pepi}.
Now this is to -- as far as the riddle of the pyramids goes. The pyramids, gentlemen, are the condensation into one building of the whole length of the Nile Valley as the power of the ruler in an orientated way. Just as a holiday, like Easter or Yom Kippur, is the one day that stands for all time, so the pyramid stands for the whole of Egypt. And the whole realm, and he proves it, because day and night, Sirius and the sun meet on the top at the moment when the big rush of the Nile waters begin. His priests have observed right, his messengers have come in to -- at the right time. On July 19th, the flood rises, and the whole machine -- the { } can begin. The great appara- -- apparatus is set in motion. It's terrible excitement each time. I told you, it takes five years to get going, and the five years are devoted to the -- to the -- main five members of the divine family: Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Horus, and Set. So these five days are just the enthronization of these five gods who have to cooperate, so that Egypt can be formed. That's the whole story.
What time?
(Eight minutes of.)
Oh, ten minutes of; let's make it 10 minutes of, huh?
The -- so the sky over Egypt, gentlemen, has the function of being the newspaper for the whole country. All politics in Egypt have to be expressed in star lore. If something has to be done on earth, it has to be the will of the stars -- in Heaven, because otherwise we are not on time. And this has given rise then to the fundamental ritual of the holy wedding, the sacred wedding between Heaven and earth. Isis is the goddess in Heaven who is the original goddess who marries the god on earth. In our Greek tradition and Roman tradition, as you know, and even the Germanic tradition as far as there was one, and Celtic tradition, the thing is in reverse. We have now to ask this simple question, gentlemen: what we have inherited from Egypt occurs in our European tradition--your -- background then is the same--in a reverse order. And this is the last thing I would like to explain.
The river Nile is the miracle in Egypt. And the fertilization of the river is felt to be the begetting of this country, of this one country, its -- its process of -- of procreation. Egypt is procreated by the union of Heaven and earth. They
thought, by the way, that the Nile water was not only coming out of the First Cataract, but -- there straight from Heaven, and wetting Egypt. Now the funny thing is that if you have in -- in these old empires to constitute connections between something that goes on before and something later, they will not cause -- call it -- call it -- call it cause and effect, gentlemen--you may no -- make a note of this--the pre-Greek expression for "cause and effect" is begetting and birth, procreation" and birth. I think it's a much more, by the way, reasonable -- expression. They had not the -- they -- they didn't know anything of cause and effect. That comes from the law, you know -- from the law courts. They spoke--and I also speak by the way my own language, always--of begetting, of procreating and being born. { } the same. You see. The birth of a child is certainly not the cause, you see, but a child is begotten. It's a more complex, and more realistic thing, because the love of the parents cannot be commanded. That's a fact -- a free act in itself, a creative act, and the result then is the birth.
Now for the Egyptians, therefore, gentlemen, the birth of Egypt, of the land of Egypt was the result of the holy wedding between Heaven and earth. And the semen, the sperm, the power, the potency was {in} the river water, which overflowed. Therefore the male was { } to be lying on his back, and sending up his semen, his fertilization into the womb of Heaven. A very strange -- picture, which I have to mention and which you must take with some reverence, because it is the great mystery of the -- of mysteries in Egypt, that the picture of the begetting of Egypt was -- or the symbol, you may say, kept in the darkest secrecy of the various temples, was a female {falcon} being fertilized by an erected {membrum virile}, the erected male { } of a man lying on his back. That is a very perverse thing. No -- no bird ever conceives of course in this perverted order, and also human beings do not. The mystery of Egypt then was, as with the tribal order, a reverse again of the common experience of man that people are begotten in the order that the man is above the woman. The Egyptian radical dialectics went so far that they reversed the order, and again, I -- you never find in the books, the First Dynasty already, from the year 2800, has given us in the { } {excavation} of the last -- last 10 years, so it's as old as 2800 -- before Christ, this oldest symbol of { } this deep secret, that Heaven has to, you see, be fertilized by earth, again explaining the role of Horus. Horus is more powerful than {Set}, because he can fertilize, or he can bring about this wedding, this sacred wedding.
Well, it's a very complicated { }. What you have to keep in mind is that in a country where there is no rain, as in Egypt, the fertility cannot come from Heaven, down. Whenever you come to Europe, however--or to Vermont and New Hampshire--it is obvious that the irrigation comes down from Heaven. It is not clear in New -- in Arizona, where again it comes out of irrigation ditches. But here it is obvious that the God who fertilizes would be in the sky -- it would be
the sky god. And that is why the Europeans have Zeus ins- -- in Heaven; and Juno, or Hera, or {Freya} on earth. And the sacred wedding then in Homer, for example, where it was first described in a Greek text is so that Hera, H-e-r-a, is lying down, and Zeus is embracing her, again in the normal human way of conception.
I have to let you in on the -- this deepest secret, because we live in this -- in these empires, in these traditions of the sacred marriage--or "sacred wedding" I prefer to call it--everywhere, and you can't escape reading anthropological books about the sacred wedding. But they never ask the -- question "Who's on top, and who is below, and why is that so?" You will find that in all civilizations, where there are river floods, and river plantations, the male god is below. And the female is in the sky. And wherever then this is replaced by slow process, of migration and transference, the transposition to northern countries, who introduce agriculture, belatedly imitating the Egyptians or the Mesopotamians, you see, the vision is the other. The vision is then that the sky god sends the rain down. And in Greece, for example, the same verb was originally applied for raining and for begetting. It was one and the same word for Zeus, to rain down or to fertilize the land. It was one act of procreation.
I think this shows you, gentlemen, nothing crude about these people. I hope you -- I honor you for having remained -- serious about this. To me, it is very serious. This -- these an- -- most -- these people had such a desperate necessity of justifying their own political creation, this order of the land, that they -- as they allowed the pharaoh to marry his own sister, so they also allowed, so to speak, a perverted order of Heaven and earth to come into being, just to justify this tremendous achievement of creating one territory.
And this is what I wanted to tell you today, completely, that the tribes con- -- created the first era of generations of man hanging together. The thing that has made Egypt immortal and will keep it in -- should keep it before your interest is: what it costs to create one country, to make it indestructible--and it is still one today after 4,000 years. Nobody has robbed the Egyptians of the unity of this stretch of land from the First Cataract to the mouth of the river. This is -- perfectly fantastic, is it not? You -- have no other single item in history where the same territory has remained united over so long a time. Think of It- -- Italy was divided for much more of its history into the most incredible parts. The Spaniards in the South, or the Normans, you see; the Roman emperors, the French, the -- the Turks -- everything was in Italy to be had. The Albanese in the center of Italy. And not at all: Egypt is one creation. And I think it has been preserved for us to study the beginnings or the entrance of man's power to write into the soil the order of the sky. Egypt is the power of inscription forever, "for millions of years," as they said. We wouldn't say that, but they already used this term, you see,
"millions of years." Intensible -- intensified agriculture.
So I think my time is up. I'm sorry.
Don't forget to pass round these "360 and 5s."